Public Auction

Saturday, June 12, 2010 10:00 a.m. 

 Special Four Bedroom Duplex in Burns Flat, OK

Sale & Property Location: 410A Navajo, Burns Flat, OK

Property Description:     The home is a 1,403 square foot 4 bedroom duplex with living room, dining room, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, and 1 and ½ bathrooms.  It also has a one car attached carport and storage shed.  It has a chain link fence around the back yard.  Additionally, the central heat and air conditioning unit is approximately 2 years old.  The property is located in a nice location and would be a good “home” or a good investment property.  We invite you to attend this auction.

Sold! Sold! Sold! Sold! Sold!


For More Information, Please See Brochure!

Click Here for Brochure

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Owner:  Kyle Bloomer

Sale Conducted by Gene Cobb Auction &Realty

Richard E.Cobb,CAI,AARE • Auctioneer//Real Estate Broker • Certified Appraiser

580-225-6743 • P.O. Box 982 • Elk City, Oklahoma 73648

We Act As Agents & Agents Only • Not Responsible For Accidents

Any Announcements Made Sale Day Supersede All Other Announcements

Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information with no guarantee of authenticity.