Public Auction |
Saturday, June 12, 2010 10:00 a.m.
Special Four Bedroom Duplex in Burns Flat, OK
Sale & Property Location: 410A Navajo, Burns Flat, OK
Property Description: The home is a 1,403 square foot 4 bedroom duplex with living room, dining room, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, and 1 and ½ bathrooms. It also has a one car attached carport and storage shed. It has a chain link fence around the back yard. Additionally, the central heat and air conditioning unit is approximately 2 years old. The property is located in a nice location and would be a good “home” or a good investment property. We invite you to attend this auction.
Sold! Sold! Sold! Sold! Sold!
For More Information, Please See Brochure!
Owner: Kyle Bloomer |
Sale Conducted by Gene Cobb Auction &Realty
Richard E.Cobb,CAI,AARE Auctioneer//Real Estate Broker Certified Appraiser
580-225-6743 P.O. Box 982 Elk City, Oklahoma 73648
We Act As Agents & Agents Only Not Responsible For Accidents
Any Announcements Made Sale Day Supersede All Other Announcements
Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information with no guarantee of authenticity.