Public Auction

Saturday, September 20, 2008 10:00 a.m. 

 Prime Beckham County Hunting Property near Hext, Oklahoma

Property Location: From Sayre, Oklahoma, go west on Interstate 40 to Hext Exit (#14) then North 1 mile on black top road to property location on east side of road

Property Description:  This property is located within one mile of Interstate 40 in the Hext community between Sayre and Erick, Oklahoma.  The property, previously in CRP, is a prime hunting property with good hunting potential for deer, turkey and quail.  It is located approximately one mile south of the south fork of the Red River.  Additionally, Historic Route 66 crosses the southeast corner of the property where a nice building site is located.  This property has good potential as an addition to a ranching operation with an abundance of good pasture.

Sold! Sold! Sold! Sold! Sold!

$98,000, or $612.50 per acre

For More Information, Please See Brochure!

Click Here for Brochure

Click Here for Photos


Owners: Robin H. Jones, J. B. Jones & Bettye Smith

Sale Conducted by Gene Cobb Auction &Realty

Richard E. Cobb, CAI, AARE • Auctioneer//Real Estate Broker • Certified Appraiser

580-225-6743 • P.O. Box 982 • Elk City, Oklahoma 73648

We Act As Agents & Agents Only • Not Responsible For Accidents

Any Announcements Made Sale Day Supersede All Other Announcements

Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information with no guarantee of authenticity.