Public Auction

Saturday, March 15, 2014 - 10:00 AM


680 Acres of Special Roger Mill County Real Estate

And Brick Duplex on Hosanna in Elk City, Oklahoma


Sales Results:

Tracts #1 - #3: $1,500 per acre

Tract #4: $131,000


Sale Location: Opera House at Old Town Museum Complex, corner of West Third Street and Pioneer in Elk City, Oklahoma


Tract #1: 360 Acres

Legal Description: NW/4 (160 acres), N/2 SE/4 (80 Acres), SE/4 SE/4 (40 acres), SW/4 NE/4 (40 acres), NE4 SW/4 (40 acres) in Section 5, Township 14 North, Range 21 W.I.M. Roger Mills, County, Oklahoma (Surface Only)

Property Location: From Hammon, Go 6.7 miles west on Highway 33 to intersection of Highway 33 & County Road N1970 (9 Mile Road), Then 3.5 miles north on County Road N1970 to County Road E890, then 1 mile east on County Road E890 to Tract #1 on south side of road. Watch for Auction Signs.

Property Description: The 360 acres of special ranchland has good fences and a number of water wells with solar pumps and stock tanks. The property offers a number of opportunities for a good ranching property or a prime hunting property.


Tract #2: 160 Acres

Legal Description: 160 Acres in Northeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 14 North, Range 21 W.I.M. Roger Mills, County, Oklahoma (Surface Only)

Property Location: From Hammon, Go 6.7 miles west on Highway 33 to intersection of Highway 33 & County Road N1970 (9 Mile Road), Then 2 miles north to County Road E905, Then 1.5 miles east to Tract #2 located on north side of road. Watch for Auction Signs.

Property Description: The 160 acres of special ranchland has good fences and a number of water wells with solar pumps and stock tanks. The property has a 1,200 square foot manufactured home, with good pipe corrals, cellar, and sheds. The property has rural water and a water well. This location offers a number of opportunities for a home site, in addition to a good ranching property or a special hunting property.


Tract #3: 160 Acres

Legal Description: E/2 of SE/4 (80 Acres) in Section 8 & NW/4 SW/4 of Section 9 (40 Acres) & NE/4 NE/4 of Section 17 (40 Acres) in Township 14 North, Range 21 W.I.M. Roger Mills, County, Oklahoma (Surface Only)

Property Location: From Hammon, Go 6.7 miles west on Highway 33 to intersection of Highway 33 & County Road N1970 (9 Mile Road), Then 2 miles north to County Road E905, Then 1.75 miles east to Tract #3 on south side of road. Watch for Auction Signs.

Property Description: The 160 acres of special ranchland has good fences and a number of water wells with solar pumps and stock tanks. The property, that has a good set of pipe corrals, offers a number of opportunities for a good ranching property or a special hunting property.


Tract #4: 113 & 115 HOSANNA, ELK CITY, OK

Property Description: This nice 2,160 square foot brick duplex currently used as a personal residence offers a number of possibilities as a home or as an investment property. The property has a wood privacy fence and an above ground cellar. The furniture and appliances will sell with the property.


Open House:

Sunday, March 2nd & 9th
1-3 PM or By Appoinment
(580) 225-6743


For More Information, Please See Brochure!


Conducted By Gene Cobb Auction & Realty

E.Cobb,CAI,AARE • Auctioneer/Real Estate Broker • Certified Appraiser

(580) 225-6743• P.O. Box 982 • Elk City, Oklahoma 73648

We Act As Agents & Agents Only • Not Responsible For Accidents

Any Announcements Made Sale Day Supersede All Other Announcements

Every Effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information with no guarantee of authenticity