Public Auction

Saturday, October 5th, 2016 - 10:00 AM


Good Hunting and Ranching Property West of Sayre, Okla.


Sales Results: Comming Soon!


Sale Location: Beckham County Activity Barn, Sayre, Oklahoma (Located east of the Historic Beckham County Courthouse)

Auctioneer's Statement: It is a privilege to conduct the auction of this nice hunting and ranching property located west of Sayre. This would be a good addition to a ranching operation. We invite you to attend this special auction.

Property Location: From the Intersection of Highway 152 and Highway 283, go west on Highway 152 four (4) miles to property located on the north side of Highway 152. (Watch for auction signs)

Legal Description: Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section 35, Township 10 North, Range 24 W.I.M., Beckham County, Oklahoma (surface only)
Property Description: The property offers numerous opportunities for the hunter or the rancher. The property has good fencing surrounding the property and is located within 4 miles of Sayre, Oklahoma. The property has good wildlife cover and is ideal for the sportsman and hunter. The property would also be a good addition to a ranching operation.


For More Information, Please See Brochure!

Owner: Lisa A. Haddad Revocable Trust

Conducted By Gene Cobb Auction & Realty

E.Cobb,CAI,AARE • Auctioneer/Real Estate Broker • Certified Appraiser

(580) 225-6743• P.O. Box 982 • Elk City, Oklahoma 73648

We Act As Agents & Agents Only • Not Responsible For Accidents

Any Announcements Made Sale Day Supersede All Other Announcements

Every Effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information with no guarantee of authenticity