Public Auction

Saturday, June 14, 2014 - 10:00 AM


4 Good Farming and Ranching Properties in Roger

Mills and Beckham County Near Berlin, Oklahoma

Tractors, Farm Machinery, and More


Sales Results:

Tract #1: $2,400 per acre

Tract #2: $2,500 per acre

Tract #3: $1,500 per acre

Tract #4: $1,400 per acre


Sale Location: From the intersection of Highway 283 and County Road # E 1080 Road (Berlin Junction), go 1/2 mile east on County Road # E 1080 Road to sale location.


Tract #1:

Legal Description: NE/4 of Section 8, Township 11 North, Range 23 W.I.M., Roger Mills County, Oklahoma (Surface only)

Property Location: From the Intersection of Highway 283 and Highway 6 (West of Elk City), the property is located 3 miles north on the east side of Highway 283. Watch for auction signs.

Property Description: The property includes 154 Acres of both good cropland and improved and native grassland. The property is located on the east side of Highway 283 at the Berlin Intersection. The property includes a 1,192 square foot frame home with large round top barn, various shops and equipment sheds located on the property. The property has good fences surrounding the properties.


Tract #2:

Legal Description: NE/4 of Section 16, Township 11 North, Range 23 W.I.M., Roger Mills County, Oklahoma (Surface Only)

Property Location: From the Intersection of Highway 283 and Highway 6 (West of Elk City), the property is located 2 miles north on Highway 283 to County Road E1090 then 1 mile east on County Road #E1090 to the Sale Property. Watch for auction signs.

Property Description: The Property includes 160 Acres of good cropland with improved and native grassland. The property includes grain bins and water well.


Tract #3:

Legal Description: 1W/2 of SW/4 of Section 4, Township 10 North, Range 23 W.I.M., Beckham County, Olahoma (Surface Only)

Property Location: From the Intersection of Highway 283 and Highway 6 (West of Elk City), the property is located 3 miles south on Highway 283 and .25 mile west to County Road E1140 to the Sale Property. Watch for auction signs.

Property Description: The property includes 80 Acres of both cropland and improved and native grassland. The property has a good fence surrounding the property.


Tract #4:

Legal Description: NW/4 of Section 9, Township 10 North, Range 23 W.I.M., Beckham County, Oklahoma (Surface Only)

Property Location: From the Intersection of Highway 283 and Highway 6 (West of Elk City), the property is located 3 miles south on Highway 283 to northeast corner of the property. Watch for auction signs.

Property Description: The property includes 160 acres of cropland with improved and native grassland. The property offers numerous possibilities to the farmer and rancher and is close to Sayre.


Open House:

These Properties will be Shown By Appoinment
(580) 225-6743


For More Information, Please See Brochure!


Conducted By Gene Cobb Auction & Realty

E.Cobb,CAI,AARE • Auctioneer/Real Estate Broker • Certified Appraiser

(580) 225-6743• P.O. Box 982 • Elk City, Oklahoma 73648

We Act As Agents & Agents Only • Not Responsible For Accidents

Any Announcements Made Sale Day Supersede All Other Announcements

Every Effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information with no guarantee of authenticity