Public Auction

Saturday, December 2nd, 2017 - 10:00 AM


Good Ranching, Farming, and Hunting Property Close to Sayre, Oklahoma


Sales Results:
Tract #1: 10-9-25 for $2,000 Per Acre!
Tract #2: 11 & 12-9-25 for $1,525 Per Acre!


Sale Location: Beckham Country Activity Barn, Sayre, Oklahoma (Located East of the Historic Beckham County Court House)

Auctioneer's Statement: It is a privilege to conduct the auction of this special property that would be a good addition to a farming or ranching operation and a great hunting property. It has potential for a nice home site with river valley view. Additionally, this property offers prime hunting property along the North Fork of the Red River. There is an abundance of Deer, Turkey and Quail. We invite you to attend this special auction.

Property Location: From Flying J and Highway 283, Go west 4 miles on Old Route 66 to east side of Property. (Watch for auction signs)

Tract 1
Legal Description: South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S/2 NE/4) and Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE/4 SW/4) and North Half of Southeast Quarter (N/2 SE/4) of Section Ten (10), Township Nine (9) North, Range Twenty-Four (24) W.I.M., Beckham County, Oklahoma (Surface Only)
Property Description: This 152.82 Acres M.O.L. of farm land includes irrigation wells with cropland along with grass that would provide good grazing land and prime hunting land along the river. There are 7 irrigation wells on tract 1. The pivots are supplied by 7 wells and 2 - 3/4 hp, 1 - 1 hp, 2 - 1.5 hp, and 1 - 2 hp. Wells are all 25 ft deep. All power is single phase.
The pivots includes
1) 1996 model T & L 4 tower totaling 681' and powered by a Diesel engine and the 4 tower has Nelson rotators.
2) 1998 model T & L 7 tower totaling 1269' and powered by a 12.5 hp single phase electric motor, 7 tower has I-wob nozzles. Both pivots are tipped at 160 gpm. The Irrigation systems will be sold individually after the real estate.

Tract 2
Legal Description: Lot Eight (8) & Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter (SW/4 NE/4) & Northwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter (NW/4 SE/4) & South Half of Northwest Quarter (S/2 NW/4) & North Half of Southwest Quarter (N/2 SW/4) and East Half of Southeast Quarter (E/2 SE/4) less 23 Acres in Section Eleven (11), Township Nine (9) North, Range Twenty Four (24) WI.M., Beckham County, Oklahoma (Surface Only) and West Half of Southwest Quarter (W/2 SW/4) less 5 Acres in Section Twelve (12), Township Nine (9) North, Range Twenty Four (24) W.I.M., Beckham County, Oklahoma (Surface Only)
Property Description: The 421.63 acres M.O.L. of farm land, ranch land and prime hunting ground. The property offers good improved grassland for a cattle operation, exceptional hunting property with deer, turkey, and quail along the North Fork of the Red River. Turkey Creek crosses the property and provides year round water. Selling surface and water rights only.



For More Information, Please See Brochure!

Owner: Robison Wonder Trust

Conducted By Richard E. Cobb Auction & Realty

E.Cobb,CAI,AARE • Auctioneer/Real Estate Broker • Certified Appraiser

(580) 225-6743• P.O. Box 982 • Elk City, Oklahoma 73648

We Act As Agents & Agents Only • Not Responsible For Accidents

Any Announcements Made Sale Day Supersede All Other Announcements

Every Effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information with no guarantee of authenticity