Public Auction |
Saturday, June 18th, 2022, 10:00 AM
Prime Cropland & Pastureland West of Durham, Oklahoma
Sales Results:
Tract 1: $1,500 Per Acre!
Tract 2: $1,225 Per Acre!
Tract 3: $1,045 Per Acre!
Tract 4: $987.50 Per Acre!!
Sale Location: Durham Community Building, Durham, Oklahoma
Auctioneer's Statement: It is a privilege to conduct the auction of this prime cropland and pastureland that would be a good addition to your farming and ranching operation. We invite you to attend this special auction.
Tract 1
Legal Description: 1 SW/4 of Section 101,Block 41, H & TC, Hemphill County, Texas (Surface Only)
Property Location: From the intersection of HWY 33 & HWY 30, Go 5 miles west on Hwy 33, go 1 mile north on TX CR 29 to
property, on east side of road. (Watch for signs)
Property Description: This property includes 160 acres M.O.L. of good cropland with good fence. This would be a good addition to
a farming operation.
Tract 2
Legal Description: SW/4 of Section 102, Block 41, H & TC Hemphill County, Texas (Surface Only)
Property Location: From the intersection of HWY 33 & HWY 30, Go 5 miles west Hwy 33, go .9 mile north to TX CR 29, and .5 mile
west on TX CR P to property on north side of road
Property Description: This property includes 160 acres M.O.L. of good cropland with good fence. This would be a good
addition to a farming operation The property includes a 2 bedroom, 2 bath frame house that would be a good place to call “home” or a
good weekend house with barns, gain bins and good corrals.
Tract 3
Legal Description: East 3/4 E/2 of Section 102, Block 41, H & TC, Hemphill County, Texas (Surface Only)
Property Location: From the intersection of HWY 33 & HWY 30, Go 5 miles west on Hwy 33, go 2 miles north on TX CR
29 and .6 mile east on TX CR O to property, on south side of road. (Watch for signs)
Property Description: This property includes 242.85 acres M.O.L. of good cropland and grassland with good fence. This
would be a good addition to a farming and Ranching operation.
Tract 4
Legal Description: Section 57 of Oklahoma Strip. Hemphill County, Texas and NE/4 NE/4 of Section 31, Township 16
North, Range 25 W.I.M., Roger Mills County,Oklahoma (Surface only)
Property Location: From the intersection of HWY 33 & HWY 30, Go 4 miles west on Hwy 33, go .8 mile north on N1680RD, to
property, on west side of road. (Watch for signs)
Property Description: This property includes 141.69 acres M.O.L. of pastureland and cropland would be a good addition to a
ranching and farming operation.
Tract 2 Open House:
Sunday, June 12th from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
or by appointment (580) 225-6743
For More Information, Please See Brochure!
Owner: Storm Hefley Ranch |
Conducted By Richard E. Cobb Auction & Realty
Richard E. Cobb,CAI,AARE Auctioneer/Real Estate Broker Certified Appraiser
(580) 225-6743 P.O. Box 982 Elk City, Oklahoma 73648
We Act As Agents & Agents Only Not Responsible For Accidents
Any Announcements Made Sale Day Supersede All Other Announcements
Every Effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information with no guarantee of authenticity